Title of project: Development of new generation of constructive materials for high-temperature application
Project is supported by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development
Duration of project: two years 2008 - 2010
Realisation: ITNMS, Faculty for Management in Civil Engineering, University Union, Belgrade
Project coordinator:dr Ljubica Pavlović, scientific advisor
Theme of investigation:
Investigation in this project is concerned with manufacturing of new types of refractory concretes and evaluation and improvement of commercially available concretes. Researching is based on monitoring of microstructural changes within concrete and influence of those changes on properties of composite materials such are: mechanical, thermo-mechanical, physical and thermal properties. Correlation between refractory concretes properties and microstructoral changes is investigated with modern analysing methods: SEM, Ro analysis, Image Pro Plus analysis. These methods are accompanied with classic destructive and non-destructive methods for investigation of properties of composite materials.
Two types of refractory concretes were designed: K concrete type with electro-melted corundum and B concrete type with bauxite aggregate and chamotte as refractory filler. B concrete is modification of commercially available concrete. High-aluminate cement (Lafarge) was used as bonding agent. Properties of both types of concrete were modified with chemical admixture and silica fume.
All samples were thermally treated on six different temperatures (300, 600, 900, 1000, 1300, 1500 ºC). Mentioned properties were monitored on each temperature of thermal treatment.
Goal of the project is to choose the best designed concrete judging on its mechanical, thermo-mechanical, physical and thermal properties, and to prove its performances in real industrial conditions.
Assistants on project:
1. Anja Terzić, civil eng., assistant researcher
2. mr Dragan Radulović, assistant researcher
3. Velimir Antanacković, eng.
4. prof. dr Dušan Izvonar, Faculty of Applied Arts
5. prof. dr Ilija Nikolić, Faculty for Management in Civil Engineering
6. prof.dr Zoran Cekić, Faculty for Management in Civil Engineering
7. prof. dr Suzana Koprivica, Faculty for Management in Civil Engineering