Project No.: 19021

Development and application of mechanical-chemical treatments for valorization of mineral waste in the period from 01. 04. 2008th to 31 .03. 2011.year.

Financier: Serbian Ministry of Science:


Institute for Technology of Nuclear and other Mineral Raw Materials, Belgrade,
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Bor

Manager: Milan Petrov

Subject of work:

Research within the project "Development and application of mechanical and chemical procedures for the valorization of mineral waste" had the subject of a new mechanical-chemical activation technology of pyrite from  Bor flotation tailing (BFJ), in order to define the optimal techno-economic process of recycling of mineral waste. BFJ in its composition has about 10% pyrite-metallic  minerals and 90% non metallic minerals. Metallic minerals have up to ten times bigger price in the market from non-metallic mineral raw materials. Non-metallic mineral resources from BFJ are used in the production of connective funds for the construction. Metallic mineral resources from BFJ would have application for valorization of precious and rare metals. In the proceedings from the preparation of mineral raw materials carried out the following researches:

There are indications that the mechanical-chemical process may contribute to the separation metallic from non-metallic minerals so that appropriate treatment in the vibrating mill can form a complex of pyrite with high magnetic properties. The basic idea is that by mechanical-chemical process we make changes in the fields of coordination the crystal in spin complex arising from pyrite and thus make changes in magnetic properties BFJ. Complex arising from pyrite belongs to the so-called jarosite group minerals XFe3 chemical formula [(SO4) 2 (OH) 6], where X can be K, Na, Mg, Ag, NH4. Created a complex from the group of jarosite is sulfate of alkaline and ferum with water and with the changed optical and magnetic properties and consists of the central metal ion surrounded by ligands, which are considered to be dotted charge. Preliminar researches had the task to determine whether is possible by mechanical-chemical process to get jarosite structure. It also made tracking needed level of energy  of mechano-activator that made the changes of crystal field of pyrite. In the work is used vibratory mill and Humboldt moregradient magnetic separator room. The before mentioned researches directions are opening great perspectives in new technologies by making the concentration of the desired products with low energy consumption.

Collaborators: Name, position

Vladimir Jovanovic, Research Associate,
Slavica Mihajlovic, Research Associate,
Miodrag Gajic, Professional Advisor,
Melina Vukadinovic, Senior Associate

Collaborators from other institutions:

Radmila Markovic, Research Associate
Ljilana Mladenovic, Research Associate

Fig 1.

Fig 2.