Program IDEAS, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

„Composite clays as advanced materials in animal nutrition and biomedicine“ - AniNutBiomedCLAYs
The aim and main novelty of project is development, preparation, characterization and in vitro and in vivo testing of new classes of the natural and modified clay minerals suitable to act as adsorbents of mycotoxins (contaminants of animal feed) or carriers of active pharmaceutical ingredients (antibiotics and antiseptics).
Participating Scientific and Research Organizations:
Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Materials (ITNMS)
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade (FPHUB)
Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade (TF Bor)
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade (AGRIF)
Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defence in Belgrade (MFVMAUO)
Research team:
Dr Aleksandra Daković, principal research fellow, Principal investigator
Dr Danijela Smiljanić, research fellow, team member
Milica Ožegović (Spasojević), research assistant, tem member
Milena Obradović, research assistant, tem member
Prof. dr Danina Krajišnik, associate professor, team member
Prof. dr Snežana Uskoković-Marković, professor, team member
Prof. dr Mira Cocić, professor, team member
Prof. dr Miomir Nikšić, professor, team member
Prof. dr Milena Pantić, associate professor, team member
Prof. dr Maja Kozarski, associate professor, team member
Vesna Lazić, research assistant, tem member
Dr Vesna Jaćević, senior research associate, team member
Capital equipment:
Simultaneous Thermal Analysis Instrument - DTA/TGA/DSC arrived in ITNMS at 29.04.2022!

Other equipment:
Absorbance microplate reader Agilent-Biotek 800TS arrived at AGRIF (Department for Food Microbiology) on 7th September 2022.